GCMHA Update for September, News (Garden City Minor Hockey)

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Sep 09, 2020 | Gordie Scott | 3036 views
GCMHA Update for September

Here is where we sit from a return to play standpoint. We continue to be mindful of the safety of our kids and have an approved process relative to COVID-19.

1. RTP- We have recently been given approval from the OMHA on our return to play plan. Highlights are below. Remember that any of this is subject to change based on several factors including any change in direction from Hockey Canada, the OHF, OMHA, our local PHU as well as our Regional and Municipal governing bodies.

A. For the month of September "team" practices will be held. A goal of 2 skates per week has been set contingent upon ice availability. These practices have a max of 25 individuals on the ice. Continue to check the team calendars for practice dates.

B. Practices must follow the guidelines outlined in the OHF return to play framework within stage 3B

C. As we move into October the current model has GCMHA teams as part of a local 3 vs 3 NDHL league where players will be placed into tiers that best suits their development. How this league looks and the number GCMHA teams at each tier is still to be determined and may be different at each age group.

2. Registration Costs - we understand that this is an important piece. The planned model is currently under evaluation as we continue to work with the City on our Ice Allocation and the NDHL to determine how the league/game play might look.

3. Tiering - Coaches, members of the board and outside evaluators will have a chance to work with the age groups over the next few weeks to determine the best possible plan to ensure kids are participating at the level that best suits their development. The goal is to have teams that are competitive at each level and to work with the other members in the NDHL to provide a relatively fair and competitive environment.

Thank you for everyone's patience as we navigate our Association through these complicated times. Very shortly will be holding meetings on a per team basis to offer in as much detail as possible how things will progress as we move forward.