GCMHA wants to welcome you all back to a very different 2020-21 season, News (Garden City Minor Hockey)

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Sep 18, 2020 | Gordie Scott | 3456 views
GCMHA wants to welcome you all back to a very different 2020-21 season

Hello Falcon Families:

GCMHA wants to welcome you all back to a very different 2020-21 season.

First of all a big thank-you to the city of St.Catharines and their staff for all their efforts in facilitating the ice necessary for our season to even happen. It has been an ever evolving process and not an easy one and I thank them all for their hard work and answering my countless phone calls along the way.

In keeping with the guidelines set by Niagara Health, the city, OHF and OMHA our board has worked very hard to come up with a Return to Play Program( which has been approved by OMHA) that we hope will provide our players a year of fun, and development as close to a “regular” season as possible during this pandemic.

The season will be 3on3 and teams will be broken down into Tiers. These tiers will be made up in accordance to the NDHL plan and in agreement amongst the participating NDHL teams in the hopes of making said tiers as closely matched as possible. The tiering process will be discussed in further detail at the team meeting, which will start next week.

With that being said registration payments will also be starting next week. The board has decided on a cost of $1400 for the season. With 3 payment dates.

Dates and payment info will be posted. For this season GCMHA has dropped the $200 jersey sponsor fee. The rationale for this cost is that GCMHA is budgeting to provide as many hours on the ice as last season per team(practices/games) We have also bumped up our per team budget for development and allotting coaches more development money to have instructors on ice at practices. These points will also discussed at the team meetings.

Keeping in mind that rules and regulations due to COVID are ever changing, if at any point during the season hockey gets shut down, GCMHA will pro rate from that point and reimbursement for remainder of season will be made. Fingers crossed that this doesn’t happen.

GCMHA would like to thank-you all for your patience and co-operation during this very “different” season. Lets all have a fun and safe season and let the kids enjoy the sport they love!

Thank you,

Brent White and the GCMHA Board