Our 1st Annual Brent White Classic Golf Tournament turned out amazing!, News (Garden City Minor Hockey)

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Jun 07, 2023 | Gordie Scott | 409 views
Our 1st Annual Brent White Classic Golf Tournament turned out amazing!
Our 1st Annual Brent White Classic Golf Tournament turned out amazing! We had the best weather for a very successful & fun day! Thank you SO much to all of our golfers, hole sponsors and prize donors! Thank you to our golf committee Tracey Osborne, Kim Bouvier , Melissa Radu , Chris Arsenault , Cheryl Olsen and most importantly who we could have not done this without Dalton White! Thank you to all our volunteers who came out and helped yesterday!

We were able to raise money for our youth players & more importantly for mental health in our community in Brent's name. Shout out to Donny Churchill & Rockway Vineyards Golf course for hosting, Niagara IceDogs for being there and raffling off season tickets, 905djco & Tequila girl from Rey Azul Tequila & Soda! We are already looking forward to next year, stay tuned for more details & pictures from Sunday to come in the next few days! 
This was our first year, if there is any feedback or improvements that can be made, please reach out to[email protected]

Thank you!
"it's for the kids"