GCMHA and ePACT, News (Garden City Minor Hockey)

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Sep 26, 2014 | Cheryl Olsen | 3686 views
Garden City Minor Hockey Association is now using ePACT Network  

Garden City Minor Hockey is proud to announce our use of ePACT, an online emergency network, to improve emergency preparedness and safety for all our athletes. ePACT helps G.C.M.H.A. better connect, communicate and share critical information in case of a crisis, like an illness or injury of one of our players, or an evacuation.  

Using ePACT:

·        Each player's family will receive an email invitation to use ePACT.

·        Families create their ePACT account, entering required details, such as medical needs and emergency contacts.

·        Families securely connect with G.C.M.H.A, allowing coaches/managers access to their information.

·        Families can update ePACT anytime during the year, and we will automatically be alerted (e.g. add a new cell phone or new emergency contact, and we receive that update).

ePACT provides us with more accurate, up to date and legible information than the paper forms we've used in past. Because it is web-based, we have the ability to securely access the system via smartphone, tablet or computer so it's always accessible. The system also maintains the same levels of security and privacy as online banks to ensure the safety of your information, while limiting access only to the coach and manager in case a player requires support.

 “By using ePACT, we will have better information for our players and better connection to their personal support networks of family and friends. I’m confident that our level of preparedness to deal with any situation will exceed expectations using this system.” – Steve Secord GCMHA President

ePACT Support
Have questions or feedback? Check out our Help Center at epactnetwork.zendesk.com/hc or contact us at [email protected] or 1.855.773.7228 ext. 1.