Jan 05, 2015 | Cheryl Olsen | 2371 views
GCMHA Annual Skate - Contest winners!
On Tuesday December 30th the Garden City Minor Hockey Association hosted their Annual Christmas Family and Friends Skate.
Everyone had a great time. All the kids were happy to see Santa. He was able to come and spend some time with us before heading back to the North Pole.
We send special thanks to the Jr. B Falcon organization The Jr. Bs were there to skate with our families and several group photos were taken with the players. We also had a few games for the kids to enjoy.
Please read more for our Contest winners names:
Congratulations to the following winners:
Guessing the number of Hershey kisses in the jar: Trevor Sheppard
Match the hockey jersey number to the player: Taya Ditto
NHL Trivia: Quinlan Clair
You can pick up your prizes during office hours.
Thanks to Front Row Sports for donating the mini sticks and hockey tape.
Thanks to our families that donated items for Community Care.
Thanks to the restaurant at the Sportsplex for selling pizza for $1.00 a slice and adding a free hot chocolate.
It was an enjoyable evening and we look forward to seeing you at this event next year.
Anna Mol
Special Events Coordinator