Esso Awards (Garden City Minor Hockey)

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This award is presented a player who is recognized as the “go-to-person” or the player most relied on by the team for his skill, talent and ability to come through in a difficult situation. It is awarded to the player who the coaching staff believes has consistently demonstrated hard work and a marked talent in puck handling, shooting, passing and skating throughout the year in different and difficult circumstances. He has shown leadership both on and off the ice throughout the season.

Selected by each Head Coach and presented to one player on each team. mostdedicatedoffence.


This award is presented a player who is recognized as the “go-to-person” or the player most relied on by the team for his skill, talent and ability to come through in a difficult situation. It is awarded to the player who the coaching staff believes has consistently demonstrated hard work and a marked talent in puck handling, shooting, passing and skating throughout the year in different and difficult circumstances. He has shown leadership both on and off the ice throughout the season.

Selected by each Head Coach and presented to one player on each team. mostdedicateddefence.

This award is presented to a player who is honoured for his work ethic, determination and positive attitude in improving his hockey skills and abilities over the course of the year. It is awarded to an individual who works hard, shows marked improvement in puck handling, shooting, passing and skating, as measured from the beginning to the end of the season.

Selected by each Head Coach and presented to one player on each team. Download Nomination Form.

This award is presented to a player who has demonstrated extraordinary team play and spirit, both in their approach to the game and their attitude towards their teammates. It is awarded to an individual who works hard, shows dedication to their team and their teammates in all circumstances, places the interests of their team and teammates ahead of themselves, who does not complain, perseveres and relies on sportsmanship, on and off the ice, to achieve their goals.

Selected by each Head Coach and presented to one player on each team. Download Nomination Form.
Submissions to be submitted to Melissa Radu