Garden City
Minor Hockey is excited to announce the outcome of our AGM last night and the extension of our Board of Directors. Thank you to everyone who came to support the association. We would like to Welcome to the Board of Directors - Kim
Bouvier, Alicia Howe, Chris Arsenault and Brad Humble.
We’re very
pleased to say that Tracey Osborne and Matt Davies has agreed to extend their executive
position for another 2 years.
President – Bruce Lawrence
Treasurer – Tracey Osborne
VP1 – Matt Davies
VP2 – RD Lacroix
Directors at Large-
Matt Greenway - Head Trainer Melissa Radu – Special Events
Rusty Engelen Jason Paul - Sponsorship
Kim Bouvier Alicia Howe
Chris Arsenault Brad Humble
Full listing can be found on our website: