Message from GCMHA President, News (Garden City Minor Hockey)

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Apr 29, 2020 | Gordie Scott | 1110 views
Message from GCMHA President

We at GCMHA would like to take this time to thank all the First line/Essential Workers for all that you do, everyday at this VERY uncertain time.

As well, thanks to all the members of our GCMHA Families for doing your part in the efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 by staying home.

COVID-19 has changed all of our lives, in may ways including the halt of all Hockey operations. When are tryouts starting? When will the season start?

How will we keep the Players, Parents, Spectators SAFE? All very valid questions, but questions we don’t have answers for at this time. Recently I have read a article that was in the News paper. Please keep in mind that this article was basically the viewpoint of the author, speculating on possible scenarials of how this upcoming season will look. As you know from following the news guidelines and dates for Businesses/activities to start is up in the air.

GCMHA is in the mindset that when Hockey resumes it will be business as usual. Please keep in mind that Hockey Canada and OMHA are taking every measure to ensure the safety of our Players, Coaches, and when they devise a plan for reinstatement of the hockey season, and let us know we will let all of you know immediately. I know we are all anxiously awaiting for the season to start but we must be patient.

Stay healthy and Safe
Brent White
President GCMHA