Information for Tryouts -Schedule on Calendar, News (Garden City Minor Hockey)

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Apr 29, 2023 | Cheryl Olsen | 864 views
Information for Tryouts -Schedule on Calendar
Tryout dates and times can be found on the Association Calendar
Only players registered and paid will be allowed on the ice. 

Please make sure your child is registered and paid. If paying by cash please come to the Meridian Room at the Sportspad before your child's tryout.  Registration and Information can be found on our Tryout Information Link

Players will receive a tryout jersey at the table set up at their first tryout rink surface, it is theirs to wear to every tryout and their's to keep. 

If you have played travel hockey you will need to start at the AA level. If you played houseleague you may start at AA or A level. There are no discounts for tryouts. 

Good Luck.  See you at the Rink!