Dec 17, 2014 | Cheryl Olsen | 2256 views
GCMHA Food Challenge Winners!
I would like to thank ALL teams that took their time to help find donations for the Minor Hockey Food Challenge that was run this weekend during the Rogers Hometown Hockey Festival. The friendly competition within our association proved to drive the volume of the donations to staggering proportions !!
The final tally on the weekend came in at 7,068 lbs of food / clothing / toys and over $1,000.00 in cash donations !! Huge success for Community Care and our community associations !
I am PROUD to say that GCMHA LEAD THE WAY with a total of 3,065 lbs collected !!! Over 95 % of our teams participated with several teams having some big numbers by competitions end !!
Read More for our top winners.
Here is the top winners for the weekend !!!
Novice A Warriors – Total 586 lbs (overall winner for competition as well)
- Prize : $300.00 for a team party PLUS Ice Dog Tickets / Jr B Falcon Tickets /Brock Badger Tickets for the entire team !!!
Novice AA Falcons – Total 414 lbs
- Prize : $100.00 and Jr B Falcon tickets for the entire team !!!
Bantam AE Bulldogs – Total 306 lbs
- Prize : $100.00 and Jr B Falcon tickets for the entire team !!!
Once again ... Thank you all for your support .. the real winner as we know is Community Care in Niagara .. feel good that we all contributed to a worthy cause !!!
Steve SecordPres.