Sep 28, 2015 | dwoodcock | 909 views
Gold in the Silver Championships!
Although they started off a little rocky, the boys pulled out a win in the Silver Championship game portion of the RYH 2003 Tier II Invitational tournament this weekend in Rochester!
The tournament started Friday afternoon vs New Jersey Devils, with a 2-1 loss, a bit of a rough game, but a close one. After a little team bonding, the boys came back Saturday morning for a 4-2 win over the Ithaca Bears. Saturday afternoon was a little tough with a 5-3 loss against the Webster Cyclones. But the boys pulled out all the stops on Sunday with a 5-0 win over the Ithaca Bears, to lead them into the Silver Finals against the New Jersey Devils again, this time, beating them 3-0 to take home the Silver Championship medals!