Feb 06, 2018 | Danny Amodeo | 763 views
OMHA Prelims Game 6
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The Falcons demonstrated a strong defensive game tonight, as we limited Halton to 8 shots on goal the entire game, despite Halton having some good periods of zone time. The Falcons were able to keep the Thunder players to the outside, and protected home plate well, limiting the shots on goal. Additionally, the Falcons cleared the front of our net well, and had play along the walls as well.
The Falcons struggled in the offensive zone time, as we did not generate as many scoring chances as we should have. There were several times that the Falcons had their heads down and did not look to make a pass, or shot from either a bad angle or too high in the zone. The Falcons need to get back to doing exactly what is thought at practice, as it has been effective against Oakville and Burlington Blue, both wins of 5-1.
Overall, while defence does win championships, we have to get back to what we do best offensively to have the best of both worlds. We will take this 2-0 victory and move forward knowing that we have to re-fcous ourselves to play better as the Tri-County playoffs are upcoming.
Grit Grinder of the Game: Lukas T
Lukas T 1G
Brandon 1A
Sacha 1G